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Disclaimer, Policies and Procedures


Consent Form

A. Read it Completely.

B. You are responsible for your actions such as booking session, implementation of action plan given to you by Quantum Conscious Self i.e. Atman ( A soul without Karma that one collects on Earth). 

C. This is Pain and Disease and Stress Assessment and not a treatment. 

D. Your session notes will be used as "blogs". This will be able to contribute towards "Good Collective Karma" to heal one's own wrongdoing.  This is a by default requirement.

E. Now Please Do Read the Consent form. 

I understand that Quantum Multidisciplinary Alignment ( aka QMA) visualization meditation method is a holistic pain and stress assessment tool to find the root cause of the pain and disease states of existence.


I understand that this method focuses on Karmic responsibility and accountability towards  the world at large. In the process, I may heal myself, my family , my Soul Family and others deem appropriate by my Atman.  Therefore, I understand that I am encouraged to seek healing and/or conventional medical treatment options  before seeking this mode of assessment. 

I understand that, me as a client is 100% responsible to bring about changes by taking actions guided by QMA assessment. The visualization will be given by my Atman, My Soul Family, Disease Revealing Akashic Guides whatever is deem appropriate.  This will help lot of people to understand Karmic causes related to symptoms.

I understand that QMA technique does not resolve pain and suffering in itself but gives action steps to resolve pain, stress etc. by understanding the root cause of the issue revolving personal responsibility and accountability towards Humanity and towards Planet Earth. 

I understand, as a client,  I myself sees through visualization, and it's Hundred Percent up to me to follow what is needed.

I understand that as a client I own Hundred Percent responsibility to resolve the problem.

I won't hold Prajakta Abhijit Joshi, PT, MA (Practitioner and Incarnated Akashic Guide of Disease Revealing Files ) responsible for any situations/conditions arising pre, post and during assessment.


Practitioner Prajakta Abhijit Joshi, PT, MA ( Practitioner and Incarnated Akashic Guide of Disease Revealing Files) will not know the extend of the change and I will not hold her or others involved( such as people I may see in visualization that are connected to my suffering) responsible. 

I, as a client, understand that along with Karmic accountability, self- discipline will help me be at ease.


I, as a client, understand that I won't make claims or make others legally responsible for my personal suffering as a client.  I know to the best of my understanding and ability that my contribution towards collective Karma ( Such as we all use Plastic)  is responsible for my suffering.

I , as a client, also understand that, QMA is a non-invasive drug free method of assessment.


I, as a client, understand that understanding/awareness provided is not a substitute for professional medical treatment. I will always seek medical care if and as needed.

I, as a client,  understand that QMA pain and stress assessment session is only complimentary to my regular medical treatment.

With that in mind, I, as a client, agree to fully release and hold harmless Leverage Soul and Sound LLC ( Quantum Multidisciplinary Alignment Holistic Karmic assessment clinic) and its Practitioner Prajakta Abhijit Joshi, PT, MA ( Akashic Guide of disease revealing files and Quantum MultiDisciplinary Practitioner) against all claims or liabilities of whatever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with QMA session.

Contraindications :

Pregnancy ( as two or more Souls involved)


The session is not intended for children and adults less than 25 years of age. I understand as a client that my legal age is above Twenty-Five years to book the Quantum MultiDisciplinary Alignment session and participate in the Quantum MultiDisciplinary Alignment  session. .

I, as a client, understand that Prajakta Abhijit Joshi, PT, MA, Practitioner of Quantum MultiDisciplinary Alignment  and incarnated Disease Revealing Akashic Guide, has chosen not to work in a capacity of a Physical Therapist though she does have years of experience in medical field. Her past life and current life experiences and her wisdom as a Akashic Guide was gained from a very tough Spiritual Awakening. Therefore, she is not allowed by Disease Revealing Akashic Guides to give any context during or after Quantum MultiDisciplinary Alignment meditation sessions.  I as a client understands that each soul has a capacity to resolve it's own Karmic problems. I as a client understand that taking responsibility of others in a critical times like these would make me and others weak as I don't understand true meaning of Unity Consciousness where each soul has Inherent Ability to grow as a Enlightened Being by resolving it's own Karmic Baggage.  However, we humans have taken a very big responsibility of cleaning up Planet earth from our collective wrong thought forms, chemical waste and environmental brutality and therefore Quantum MultiDisciplinary Alignment is a must to not harm the planet by wasting it's elemental resources. I, as a client, understands that this method will bring the clarity as our behaviour as a human has started affecting other planetary systems. Therefore, while different diseases may arise on earth( solely due to our own collective wrong Karma as Humans) Quantum MultiDisciplinary Alignment will give guidance to those in power to meet requirements of human beings with compassion and resourcefulness so that the critical times would be bearable. 

I understand that Prajakta Abhijit Joshi, PT, MA  has been given this meditation by Akashic Guides as a service to humanity. Quantum MultiDisciplinary Alignment does not belong to anyone incarnated. It's application belongs to All Humanity.  

 I understand that my information will be used as a case study ( without disclosing on the blog my personal information) in a note form. I understand that this is a must to receive Quantum MultiDisciplinary Alignment session. I understand that this would be a wonderful help to others especially those who do not have much power to change much in the world. I as a client understand that only those with understanding of critical times at Atman level would agree to take upon such task and no one should be forced to take a session. Everyone has to follow the directions given by client regardless as otherwise diseases would be very peculiar in choosing who may get affected as no soul is eager to incarnate in critical times ahead for next five hundred years or so.  

I, as a client, understand that it is best for me to wear comfortable loose fitting  cotton clothes with layers. I understand that session will be conducted in sitting or in laying down position.

I, as a client, understand that I will be responsible to bring my own water bottle to avoid waste of plastic cups. if session is in-person.

If in person, I, as a client,  understand that I need to eat something before session and stay hydrated.

I understand that Length of the Time of the session is approximate and can vary.  Average session length is anywhere from  five minutes to sixty minutes. 

I, as a client, understand that all Quantum Multidisciplinary Alignment Visualization sessions are noted down and the pictures of the notes will be send to the participant client.  Clients are also encouraged to take notes right after the session. Clients are encouraged to write there interpretations in comment section on the Blog. No other comments would be allowed . Session notes will be posted as pictures and in writing.


I understand as a client that clinic is not W/C accessible. 

 Go to  QMA Blogs page  to understand how visualization meditation note forms look like for a example for one as a client.

Go to Book Online Page Now. 

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