QMA for fat globule accumulation in femoral artery or inflammation on command for me
Gout QMA
Trillions of dollar debt.. not owning responsibility and putting issues under table hoping next government would resolve it while enjoying life of luxuries or organic simplicities for self! free will
Lawyers loopholes and question of morality when it is about human genome
Your genome is not disposable
Cancer and karmic transfers Akashic Data based on Karmic transfers
Quantum tunneling of karmic imprints to take responsibility of eczema medications side effects
QMA visualization. For Optimism
Conundrums and exploration of consent forms .. duty of experts ..,
QMA meditation with stomach pain , cough and excruciating pain in stomach
Detoxifying organs and systems that protect human body integrity
Love for truth
Intersections by CDC care we are here
No one deserves eating too much cookies
Work appraisal
Gardening for health of human genome
QMA Blog five years adjustment period for all except for some where safety is a must as all deserve to defend themselves so no violence by default for me
We can have our own fun
Safety of a Dignitary is a must
Well I don’t know how to type in Marathi