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Conundrums and exploration of consent forms .. duty of experts ..,

Writer's picture: Prajakta JoshiPrajakta Joshi

Prostitution is a profession and some may do it out of free will and their composition and talent , and I respect them and wish them dignity just like Dignity for ALL and that Is not me as not my skill and no interest to explore ! As my divine relationships in spiritual realm will teach me that as I am only four years old at soul level and not my Dharma!

Sex trafficking is a forced prostitution and that is a crime against human genome and so is rape ! 🧬

Consent form without manipulation and force is a legalized way to reduce trafficking and rape cases and affairs and karmic transfers and jealousy etc. .. completely different purpose that serves as a solution for a lot of problems.

Also, cultural differences matter. What is right in one culture maybe different in other as long as innocence is not challenged as that can cause soul loss.

This is where teaching our daughters a path of self preservance so that no one takes their advantage while they enjoy freedom and growth at different aspects of lives and are able to make decisions that are right for their future is essential .

A well nurturing yet strict enough cultural norms are essential at all levels that let them explore their own talents and friendships and yet explore their creative side . And therefore an environment with vision for female character that asks for respect and dignity instead of depending on others and modulation of such future vision is incumbent upon us as adults of society.

( ignore my cotton white outfit .. I have strict code of conduct due to my position as a co- incharge of Human Genome Reserach from Akashic Records and part of my own spiritual awakening that makes me Therapista and not monk as that is not me … and some such restrictions at age 44 years is easy and yet demanding and happily taken when one knows once Duty towards ALL).

I once after my spiritual awakening decided to further my intellect on how to help women have a wonderful fulfilling satisfied relationships where they are never beggars. It involved meditation and inner satisfaction and that maybe still possible if a Female Guru guide me yet I already have a soul mission .

Well, maybe that would be in higher conscious plane endeavor in next lifetimes for some in five D awareness so that all souls don’t convert into “It” and some do .. as per once affection towards their own soul fulfillments !

Regardless of all conundrums , living a humiliation and indignity is not my path forward!

For each their own choice how to involve in a social cause and live a comfortable life or live a comfortable life !

My female teachers and GuRu’s always teach me words of wisdom and I am grateful!

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