Client symptom pain
Uterine non removal
Regular dr visits for 1 year
Client felt better
8 march 2023 after pain for two years
Check up of all ECG, MRI, CT diagnosed with cyst
Centimeter 6 cm , 5 cm etc
Bigger ( 2-3 Dr opinion) need or removal
Pain level ..9/10 , everyday , extreme level , need to rub lower quadrant , lower than umbilicus at site of c section; a lot , hard worker , client managing with difficulty, she also run school ( balvadi, playgroup)
Need to be sarakari ; no Mandhan
Government was taking time , local government misplaced copy of paperwork.. chori of paperwork, political authorities gave papers to political clients ,
All papers are ours but they have given to someone else… so corruption at government level.
Client put lot of hard work and pour efforts and money .. zendavandan , khan vatane, chart making, whatever kids need, meeting pudhari and filing paperwork , you did everything and still no fruit and all ignorance .
This all happened before cyst.. so Aayukt office .. took her out .. Sarapanch office .. she scolded a lot.. all the years that you wasted of me when I was working so hard and tried to steal fruits .. is what you said to authorities just to have your own relative in the position.
You cried and you fought and later you suffered through cyst and that included two surgeries
She scolded Gramsevak. To put someone in charge, you deceived someone good who is actually working.
( my call happened with coincidence, therapist doesn’t know anything about this history.. no clue; I had no clue .. and I as a therapist and especially your sister , as relationship matters , wish you eland everyone even me a justice.. so wish justice for All) .
I am feeling better .
Quantum Visualization
( what I wish my clients or readers of the blog to get: clarity , transparency and justice) .. as a therapist I thought this is about money but cleint( who is also my cousin) is sincere at heart and I know her.
More than money, she is caring for helping children in her area… Dharma is essential .
Why don’t they look at things properly . Why didn’t anyone took notice, why nobody contacted.. and this is what is your concern.. the biggest concern… everyone knows that you are running AnganVadi , everyone knows that and still no output. The people who should look into and take things ahead are not doing their job.
And this is your main concern .
pragati Pustak
1998-1999 ; most likely 1998;
One accident, 3 kids sitting on scooter driving it with drunk. My Mantrini la bus stop car drop kale. And they were driving scooter from wrong way.. they were going through wrong direction; the scooter hit her due to mistake of these kids going in wrong direction and you fell down and then got help from your friend.
Client stated that she got admitted in hospital, her friend got pressurized for not complaining by these kids… friend was scared and didn’t understand what to do.. graduation first or second year of graduation.
In last two three years, I have feeling to ask them( those kids) why you never cared, did you thought what happened to me etc…
Friends knows those kids and friend knows that You, my client doesn’t give up.
Friend knows that my client is a resilient woman who would go and ask them why they ignored and never cared… they maybe happy or sad etc. but client feels I should go and check on them to see if they are well or not. client stated to ask this to these kids .. also she feels also to question her in laws for treating her badly.. but since her mother in law is weak and with disease she feels no , she should wait and not bring up problem.. so she hasn’t brought this subject up.
This altogether especially first part of government negligence followed by Cyst surgery.
My parents ( Therapist parents and me as her sister , client felt secured in that time as she got Sanskar from my parents .. Therapist’s parents helped her ( my cousin)… means getting the good direction in life as a child was essential for you to be who you are at present.
“ Bij Ankure Ankure song Olya Matichya Kushit song.. therapist remembered).
So you are carrying it forward to help others.. that’s your Tatv .. value ( Khup chhan)
She feels how she will say she is good but as a therapist and her cousin sister I acknowledge to acknowledge and accept yourself as a very good person. Because you truly are . It shows in your values and your Thinking part .. people are good ( at least lot of them or most of them but there are also those who block the system). .
Client suffered 3 surgeries, c section, removal of uterus and cyst with pain level 8- 9/10 ; 9% of times and average .. unable to say.. mental stress different, physical different .
Medications : taken none ; routine was on , whatever it was it would hurt at night; she sustained pain the day by staying busy at work.
QMA visualization :
Client Visualization CT
therapist Visualization TV ( ?)
cV: yes, you as a therapist is a right person
( I made sure that there is. I transference of my experiences on you. And you are seeing that I am right person to take this visualization)
mokale ase Akash Disat ahe.. I see sky, I feel free and relax and I am sleeping and looking at sky
And I hear voice of water ; cold wind ; panayacha Khal Khal Avaj yet ahe; Vahate pani ; I can hear sound of water , water is flowing freely
I am not in rush
I see myself in two veni ( hairstyle we used to do as school girls in India )
Sadha dress Punjabi
As in college , 2venya, sadha Salvar kurta odhani and no one is near me
I am sitting next to water with my feet drench
TV: 1. I hear pub sound or some kind of dance floor sound on top
2 I see grave of Someone with pub build on top
9. No one is there I am alone
10. Blank
TV: I see someone coming out of grave and volcanic eruption with rainbow
Do not give diseases to anyone , you don’t have authority
Only GURu can take responsibility of your mistakes
Someone said “not so harsh child”
Child said “ yes, yes nodding head up and down.
Government, who is responsible for that?
I see child crawling with right hand pain
Patience is a virtue
Va are Va
CV again feel like going back to peaceful back to original place laying on ground and looking to the sky
Client has eyes open and see herself looking at sky
I feel I am looking at sky
Shantach vatate ahe
TV I heard voices as a therapist “ I am going to get killed and you are going to dance on my grave”
Lock and key
Key shouldn’t have been drop
CV: Goddess name , daughter , when client was pregnant she read HariVijay Granth.
Krishna Granth
Vishnu Avatar and all that
( I never read it)
Why people read it, when I was Pregnant I read it.
aatya’s gaav, karnadi , name of a town
Aaje sasre , I used to read the granth to them, I saw the page
Pahile pan, top page cover
First I used to do a lot of God things, now I don’t do much.
There is no reason but I can’t do it
I always have ShriHari Name.. Vishnu name
( nothing to do with Maliki avatar.. leading question not consider)
Shortness of breath to therapist
therapist Visualization( TV): I see chest ( treasure chest) with jewels made from plastic, blue color
Pink chest , blue color jewels
Neck extension
Follow the sleeping chest
Relax at night.. Jagate Raho
Sunrays, until SunRays
What have you done
Sleeping, neck extension, blue chest
No more Covid
Don’t make vaccines
Waste of resources
Someone held on wall, bed wall, chest extensions
C V Blank
tv are you sleepy
client stated.. no, I am feeling good.. Karachi vatate ahe chhan
Therapist Contemplatikn/ Contex..
client Visualization: someone is coming towards me , I don’t see anyone… I am not fearful. Ashi Bhiti nahi vatate ahe
Eka Dongarachya Kaparit ahe ase Vatat ahe. Inside mountain.
Kahitari Tharvayache ahe mala
I have never been there
Which is this place?
I don’t know what is this place?
Therapist Visualization: Mountain with Treasure chest
TV: I see some kind of weapon getting mounted
Button available to press in a wheel case
I press the button
cold cold 🥶 water / WAR
CV: I am blank .
tv : Put mountain direction
Wheel Imprint
Airplane swirling
Smell of something itching
L Nostril
At nostril
cV: I am Blank
TV : feeling of pressure on head and skull
Upper to drown pressure
Such things don’t work
Jaw with loosened teeth
I feel as a client that I should try again , but this time efforts : not like last time.. zale nahi zale
Pan me bolnar
Maze kam zalech pahije
tV.. amache Texas ahe .. Va re Va
Peace mhanje peace
Va re va Chakkuli
Sister talk ; good old times
Varan Sakhar
Poli Barobar
T. v. R hand pain
Mala ala
.. no more sister talk
Hearing of beeping sound
Mamakade photo ahet apale chotte mothhe tenvhache
Sister talk
When did we play with toys I don’t remember
I just remember potali
Khelani Navhatich tevha jast
Khup chhan glee te divas
client talk:
Prajakta, I visited after lot of years went to Alandi on. Agpanchanmi and I touch samadhi of Dnyaneshvar and I felt he did so many things at young age and took samadhi and we hardly do anything
Now a days people praise them now ( Sant Dnayaneshwar) like a God but he suffered so much then .
Tularam Maharaj Viman alelel.. we watch cinema but an airplane came to took them .. kasale bhari asel te
Prajakta, apan apalyala allele anubhav mmulana gheun dyayche ki nahi
Apan tyana satark karato, he barobar ahe ka chili he ahe. Means should kids take their own experiences and learn or should we teach them.
E.g. if mother has five five kids, how would she keep an eye, yet in general with less kids mother can keep an eye and teach them.
Khup chhan prashn ahe
Depends .. what do you think?
Since I suffered, I don’t want kids to suffer; I wish my child should not suffer. I did help my child.
She is fine and secured and satark.
Apan ya margane chalalo ahe ter to satark ahe ka me as a child questions because mother helped child.
Apan tyana tyanche anubhav ghein dyavet.
What do you think?
Do we make them weak?
TV : always ask in my opinion as a parent , would I be able to take that experience for myself and what imprint it leaves on me .
Eg. will you be OK to get sex trafficked as a parent?
Or when you were a kid?
Any abuse that makes you blind, will you take that abuse?
Client answer
And I won’t allow anyone else to suffer if it is happening in front of you.
Therapist question
So is that a good measure?
So as a parent I think I wish always good experiences for my kid as earth is very tough planet to be born into . So I think as a therapist, I should ask you now?
I feel as a therapist Your karma Your accountability he imprint Aleli ahe DNA Madhye.
client Question: mhanje Aai jashi vagate tashich multi vagate.
Aai Kadun je sanskar ahet te muli Madhye yavet
Sanaskran var dependent ahe
Genetic disorders/genetic diseases
If we are not there , who would guide them
Nighatil baker te, kadhi kadhi ase battle kay hoil te
T v do you know as a DNA imprint remember any number of how many difficulties you should have take and how many you have taken in percentage?
cV: ase vatate je sale the vhayala nako hote.
If I make mistake then I should agree and if I haven’t made mistake , I should say no .
What happens, we don’t do wrong and still we have to give explaination.. even when people in front know that we are right.. and we have to justify or to appease them and you as a client feel why?
Why I have to defend myself ( therapist contemplation) yes this is what instant to say.,
Now explains me in your language or don’t do it at all.
Client agrees that this is ridiculous why should I explain myself if I am right and truth is in front of you.
Who should take karmic responsibility of such ignorant action?
Mother has five children
Eka Kade laksh dile ter dusare mhanatat nahi
So she has brought you up and you still asking her what she has done? Tiche kahuch kartutv nahi ka?
TV I see yes
cV : yes, what are we even talking? Where is simple understanding. Kuthalya babtit spashtikarn Magayache he kalale Pahije na
bachatGat ahe:
Client’s little girl : first or second grade .. everyone copies.. Mother / Cleint advise.. do not copy.. it will be no use if you use others material. What you do yourself will get counted.
Basic knowledge perfect .. because of strong foundation of hard work and following correct direction.
therapist heard a baby noise
I know Kaliki is born.. end of injustice
It is imprinted as a record on all public platforms as a public record and therefore is true .