Is it the isolation of one was leading to Groupism of other?
Official Quantum Tunneling for those with attachment!
Your Karma Your Choice
How to resolve Karmic Baggage of isolation from friends and family of a “Dignitary with detachment from Drama” ?
Disease affiliation: systemic Failure
Karmic Affiliation: Cruelty towards Innocence
Quantum Laws don’t apply : Your karma Your responsibility
Free will always to have a choice
Two lifetimes
Code application 2027
25% by age 56 In next 200 years
disease Rollout 0.2 % to 0.0% after 2029 and 2% after 2036
That’s it!
Are my friends and family or other involved are getting quantum tunneling without there awareness , is that why they have difficulty following? If yes, who are they who are doing such acts? Planet people of bliss?? Yes, now that it’s a known fact … ok … proven with physical evidence. No magic .. stay with science and logic and letting go of attachments …
.. someone from planet of bliss you can call it with snake affiliation who can do karmic transfer and who believe to do karmic transfer with magic, illusion and what happens when look into snake eyes .. or shown in movies etc.. .. as. I have context and significant experience as a part of my spiritual awakening. Poison of illusion can be numbing the senses that people are unable to come out of illusion.. to understand truth.. it is not that difficult to live without plastic or ban video games etc if whole childhood of children is getting affected
Maya jaal
One has to decide for oneself as this is not easy to understand unless one knows why most have phobia of snakes !
As phobias do serve purpose! Is that right?
We were able to live with minimal plastic 10 years back .., or 40 years back??? Right??? If we allow minimal as needed plastic etc we can live , right? Plastic shiny present in everything from LVP flooring to Fences to clothes not just plastic bags .. right… everyone has a choice.. plastic seeping in body tissue and genetic mutation .. lot of disease affiliation … will Human DNA will allow that … next generation knows … it is not a rocket science
… So where is the systemic constipation? Use common sense as things as are seeing from human point view can get stuck in Maya Jaal! Illusion .. magic of comfort and laughter and ease
.. someone else can take control of human soul for their own entertainment .. scary no .. use logic.. optimism to get out of azakban.. not using more plastic and chemicals … I use it in Costco as I am doing significant work compared to others and that also I am going to minimalise .. is everyone as pure in their thoughts and actions and intents and are detach as I am ?
So why vacationing and using plastic … adjust with something that does not need plastic and wrong behaviour.. are kids in school enlightened so that candies are getting distributed??
My way is because where I am in my progress .. do balancing with simple art etc or go completely opposite way start living like a monk … I am not in Government .. so it is what it is ! Your soul safety is what I work for! Not physical health that comes with ignorance and staying stuck in illusion . Do I sound extremist about plastic??? Yes and no … that’s why free will! Do what you want! Yet I think people are not just getting it what I am saying! Now are you? There are always signs.. some sauce pouch fell on carpet as per kids ..