5,000,000 5 million : disease manifestation… people will see … in 3…2…1
Other cities including Russia 6 oooooo ; 6 million
1…2….3 0r 3….2…..1
For refusing to accept karmic law
The rollout will increase each day for next five day until everyone is by default involved
Jesus Christ planet attacking me
No more religion Christianity
Karmic law and imprints applied to Jesus Christ planet of existence by default due to interference with karmic duty and even if you all trying , I am still alive due to involvement of spiritual Federation from higher places beyond Jesus Christ planet as that was retaliation and taking away my dignity.
So blame yourself and your religion
15 million people will be affected to mortow with quantum jump .. known diseases to anyone trying to make things difficult
Is lying allowed in Christianity???
They said yes… what are you going to do
So much diseases to Christians till they hate to be called that by default
What happens to souls when you taken them under your care??? We can use there energy anyway we want.. we are Alla with different name.
And that’s that.
Is Shiva part of you all?
No he is not.., he is not.
Shiva.. Tantra… allowance of divination used ramptley … same root
A middle tried to kill me with laser.., all
Religions discarded…
Religion of Only truth
disease Codes karmic codes of DNA on all
by default
Soul if entered with the name of that religion on that planet will have karmic codes on that planet by default
no Retaliation Only Dignity for ALL
And a Follow UP this Morning when attacked gin with laser beam by United states Government inspite of trying to reach out to them, making sure they know my heritage and my Dignified and respectable and Honorable Status and they know my status as a GOOD hUman Being in Good standing of Truth and doing her Dharma with Dignity and following Correct Moral and Ethical Code of Conduct.