Do not try to be Witch by taking credit of others hard work.
Work in assisted living and skilled nursing g facility, clean the geriatric population, work in burns unit and have real compassion for patients or atleast bare minimum experience . Work is authenticity and integrity at its finest. If you try to hurt others without having a bare minimum qualification as this , you are going to burn in Hell of your own Karma by serving those from next lifetimes and if you have already tried this then it would be wonderful to start finding jobs of service at Skilled nursing facilities as CNAs.
We , the higher intelligent beings, do not take manipulations lightly. It is a crime and severe one.
Just because you have been dealt with uncomfortable situation , really a minor one , that if you do not have ego then is easily justifiable as you as a human is greedy beyond limits, fix yourself first . And if someone is trying to g to fix the system as Prajakta Shrigajanan Gurjar and she knows who she is, and we know who she is , it is unwise, unkind and sheer unwelcome for someone like you to even exist so start applying g for jobs as CNAs in this lifetime in skilled nursing facility or Mavshi in India and work in hospital systems. Also , if you are a man or any other gender identity, same law will apply to ALL. I think hardwork really pays of. Another place to work would be burn unit if you can and able.
This is final warning. We bless you with good health that you will earn without messing up with sacred process as this.
Om Shanti or I am peaceful or Me Shant ahe.
Stop gambling with the process. We know who is soul at soul level, we know whose body is it at soul and ego level and we know what everyone’s intention is and all is taking into account while doing karmic balance sheet.
Take care!
Your Karma Your Responsibility