Me mazya aka matrinicha avaj Akila cha Avaj Akila Background la.
Ha House arrest Sarika’s disease ahe ka ? Jo Bhakti mhanali tine ani alla me create kela ahe?
Jyamadhye tumhala Hali Hali breathing difficulty Vhayala hote.
Breathing difficulty hote.
Me kadhich house arrest ghet nahi
Ya disease Madhu’s @ ya all a “ are ka mhanayache ? Teri nahinkalale.
Some kind of evil.
Regardless ha multi systemic pan asu Shaktism.
Pan me kadhich mukti ghet nahi.
I am always free Independent and able to live and incarnate as a soul.
I am a good person and good things always happen to me.
Making a disease in the form of such is not good for anyone.
I wonder why no one told me about Jason M Wilken? They are responsible for taking over such disease other ones who created it in the first place or the followes of these as that is what I am goingvtonitchbin Akashic Records.
I am a soul only four years old whose whole journey is ahead of her and she will live no matter what as a soul after this incarnation as a powerful being of light.
This disease will only affect those who are incarnated Islamic, Muslim denominators or followers of Shiva.
As evil is evil.
Basically whoever created this disease or whichever religious followers made it spread would always live as souls and so would everyone else by default.
Now about how to cure it?
One can Heal it with Quantum Mappingvyo whoever created it or whoever gave it to you knowingly . This disease would never come to me as I never created it and never wish to affect anyone as a human being.
Secrecy is ether a crime or a social service and scientist may find out a way.
Evil is evil and the source of such action and calculated genicide attempt would get strongvrebuke in Akashic Records. And this information is itched and therefore no one can destroy knowledge of whoever has caused such attempt. As evil is evil.
As per my QMA meditation Inhabe changed my named to well anything I want and I will make it public here. Since Bhakti Kulkarni did this to me I will write myself as a public record of name Goddess Lalita , Tripurasundari , the playful one . And she is most powerful of all and no one can take her names but me. And anyone can use her creativity as I love ALL unconditionally. As WE are ONE. And it is my Dharma to make this public Record!
Whoever has com upW
ith such idea would actually take the blame who has made it as a public records and serve humanity in this life without any disease condition or affiliation by default.
This record once become public can be kept as a secret record if one wishes but that makes me cough and no one should keep secrets as together we can Quantum Tunnel back this disease to whoever created it only and true person will show up with disease by default.
Secrecy is always a crime . And whoever wishes to keep this secret would suffer as one can spread the news in calling others and talking to others or if someone has ordered someone of not looking at the blogs and discarding it or not looking at the posts and decide to discard it etc, then it is a free will and no obligation. As this disease is given by Shiva as a next pandemic and the information is crucial to be hidden. Or not as we are getting affected as we speak as we are from UAE and from .. thats it!
goddess Lalita Tripurasundari! Who comes with her own passwordGoddess Durga and God Vishnu Came for help and you can use permutation Combination of first two as their official names in their mantras and Never use God Shiva’s any mantra as I felt shortness of breath so he is not even in the mix and it is what it is. However, if anyone worships him then they will suffer from few hours and it’s is actually God Shiva who Indians pray with Lingham. If you say his Mantra by mistake and say nothing and get along with your day then until this is public record of 8 billion souls or plus who know it by default no one needs to get affected by more than 2 hours. You can chant any of Lalita Sahastranam or make your own Mantra of something good for ALL such as I love everyone etc etc then these in your language would work as well. Because your Ucchar while chanting Sanskrit matters the most. And as long as my Goddess Lalita’s Sahastrnam goes I like to listen it to someone who has proper uccharam who are … I won’t disclose their names due to HIPPA and who ever has tapped my phones , I never or have have permission to make it a public record if needed of QMA as that is a must. I think my name key is the first one and that’s it which will reopen the system. UAE or any Muslim Country and any Alla’s or Shivas followers knowingly or unknowingly ; consciously or subconsciously cannot change this until they say he is not our God. Jesus Christ was Also involved and same rule applies unless to ALL so that all can breath as taking away breathing of Justice or goodness that thinks Good is not good as everyone may take at the most ….years less than 5 years. So from now on let’s put this system in place . People can chant Goddess Lalita and God Vishnu’s Sahastranam as many times as one wants.
And that’s it!
P.S. whoever is responsible by actually taking responsibility or not as it is a free will and everything has a Akashi’s record which is never destroyed unless people try to do karmic transfers on innocent who is me Kamakshi Goddess Lalita.
I will figure out my own system , others can change the names for themselves . That’s why I am on the top.
My name Prajakta
My password …,
Also, if someone tries to affect system in Negative way at karmic level then they would be accountable
The that’s it