It is my duty to make data available for Akashic Records and therefore posted on five platforms.
This you should or should not read is your free will:
So I came home after picking up comet and I saw swollen L foot like elephantitis and I was told telepathically by a nurse with some experience as culprit of truth story … that they gave the infection in injection form to someone and people like me if are spiritually awakened feel symptoms ; feel actual symptoms and most die .. as that is one of the unknown diseases …
Anyways one and half years back I met two clients, and I won’t share any personal details and one gave me this name called QMA and the other came though I know she was debating and gave me really worried look and was more worried of me and I treated her and she said she was profession something realted to medicine and was able to administer and has knowledge of medicine etc( won’t reveal details) and her husband is gardener ..
And then I met another one nurse recently who said she is nurse and her husband is gardener
And then when I started working on my swollen foot.. I got this new nurse face; the connection to case and some of them FBI like people hired to do bad things by giving medications etc and they all three were white females … and I was wondering and she said there were eight of us and I said why were u involved and telepathically of course she said because she got offered some significant money package .. and it’s was part of some celebrity scheme … such as working g with females who perform etc and it was scheme that we choose to be part of non negotiable healing package by you .. and I said no consent.. so looks like my Marine soul family was victim and was he one of the gardeners? No .. he got involved by government to open up some data and came across this scheme by fluke … he saw and figured out and told others .. about these celebrity parties … and and visualize couple of … and well gardener and nurse like personalities caught them looking at things and these people they called QMA as using these method to delete .. and was nurses aware? Yes one the beginning no later yes
And are gardener FBI who are involved in act ? Or hiding act? They are involved in finding possible people to help solve cases or administer drugs to give them diseases or sleep
.. so this gardener nurse groups etc work with others as FBI scheme and do that have connections with …. No
And so I won’t treat people who give me infection by giving someone else actual medication .. and did FNI activated one of these horrific diseases as known as unknown diseases where one gets symptoms and medications and other gets effects of medications and third one may die?
Then how this this lady administered Me as I did feel a sting on R foot with no animal in sight… like ants etc
And this is where soul family comes in play and this is where this phenomena can occur in soul family only… as an unknown disease phenomena..
And what is soul family defination… anyone connected spiritually? Yea.. well I am connected to whole world including you … are t I as I can hear and see u ? Stop giving me stings .. so now who will see this phenomena FBI ? Whole world? Yes .. No I don’t k ow everyone in person… well so what are we going g yo do is you tell this to authorities.. Brent know good … I don’t tho k we are same soul family members .. and what it has to do with JZ etc? No .. so families become threat .. to whom? Well, to people who are culprits.. and why? Because , they can reveal each others secrets ??? Yes.. well and they can reveal government secrets .. like what? Etc etc
Ok so are u going to kill all soul families? Ye sir I have to ? Well it’s your free will … so I will tell u this friend.. I am an extremely powerful soul with work at Akashic realm .. u can say I am creator .. and what are we going to do now is blame u all for spreading unknown diseases to all as looks like as a nurse when u administer someone else something and redirect your thoughts then the other person gets diseases and can die?? Is that right or third person can suddenly die??? Is that right?
O how many army and FbI agents u killed like this nurse?
And don’t kill any culprits?
Culprits 78 and FBI agents 2 My marine friend and Dr Eric R
Well why? Because you are not deletable?
No you are.. so delete yourself.. why are Delhi g my soul family and one of them was Marine ?
Well, is JE involved . No ..
so this is what u used on Culprits.. No
Then I worked for culprits to delete people including FBI .. and try to find others to use and throw as soul families?? Yes.. for what salary 1. 2 million dollars per year.. and did ur sister got involved ?
Well , so what I am going to do is. Activate everyone who is spiritually awakened to k ow this as fact and everyone has soul familes .. to j ow this truth..
Did FBI k ew about this? Yes.. since when .. few ( 7 ) years back.. and does government officials k we this yes.. can it be used on. Normal citizens ? No why … because all souls have soul families .. I assure you that .. so now is it going to be fact that when let’s say cancer drug is administered to cancer patient, the soul family member is going to get symptoms of the disease as that is what ur saying and using against me?
As I have seen effects of someone using chemical or drug and others getting effect and that is me and another soul family member of mine
So what are we going to do.. I ask all spiritually awakened people .. as there are so many ..? And some other soul family members are not awakened and some are telepathically awakened .. etc
And all babies maybe part of soul families of others as there are so many people take medications .. and I am trained to not taking medications. Since childhood I react to them..
So what are we doing to do now? fBI? Did u activate this does code and who have it to u , as I am the one have felt the symptoms and I am not arming medication s.. and I am always ballooned up during g pregnancy etc with severe fat accumulation so think just yo protect baby and early deliveries … so now what ? As I was not awakened at that time..
so delete not me and not innocent and now tell hospitals that such things exist and don’t give unnecessary medications and is that my fault that FbI used which cruelty against others? As all are souls? And did priests and pope Frances is in wheelchair because of varticqn FBI? And why them Dalai Lama’s knees still hurt?
What is so special about our soul group is ??? Me … I am the best one 😎 … that did not die after so much quantum tunneling done on me it’s ridiculous and still going on and I am connected to universe and no one ..
and do u use curses as well and woodoo dolls and pin them like evil or do u use people ? Like actual soul family members? I mean that is even more evil.. and does government know that ??? And that’s why when u emailed QMA to all .. no one replied?
As I think my Dr who treated my son this morning spread worried and was very reluctant to give medications.. does she knows ur game plans?
So here is what we are going to do.., first of all tell people
Of United States that u United stars FBI activated this something called unknown diseases in soul families and attacking soul families with medication administration … and then tell them that they all are souls .. and then tell
If they take medications , their soul family make get effects or die and they may still bag e symptoms etc
So do I make it clear .., and I always wondered in my spiritual journey why I was told to eat unhealthy as someone is acting bad to survive .. what is that? Some quantum gambling?
So all are souls and start gardening and use herbal remedies for most as even government and FBi has soul families .. that is just common sense .. and it can be big or small and some are 1000 and earth is going towards higher vibrations and everyone is mostly going to be activated … so what are we going to do is first of all don’t kill your self and come clean .. I mean yo your I don’t k own olive officers.. and I know both my kids have these unknown spots of asthma when I do good and then the other son’s eczema hasn’t cured or skin condition and we don’t give him medication as it worsens .. and fibromyalgia patients must be soul family members who take lot of karmic transfers from others while others may not have symptoms inspite of being wrong.. so I think this always existed in soul family though now medication administration will make it horrifying ..
so what are we going to do is use those 9 billions to plant gardens and I am definitely going to stay .. as I am not deletable
As why u want to delete people in millions ?
And go to a realm of unimaginable pains and sufferings ?
So deleting me and my karmic kids after taking others karma is not possible… as I am kundalini awakened and so many of my soul family..
So should u know my Gurus and teachers are also my soul family and what are we going to do about others ?
So u figure out FBI and special nurses adminstai g medications to one to kill other soul family members as i have taken enough Quantum pain
And just out of curiosity.. who would be next?
I bet there are no o e is goi g to read this.. is that what u said.. yes.. well then well done and we will see what u will do to others ok FBI ? As I never consented to be part of this scheme .. so no Conswnt and if anyone who never reads this is start becoming dead then their families won’t question u as no one knows and we had couple of people from India who died .. yea .. yes sudden deaths .. and some sudden deaths of parents .. yea… anyways … I don’t have to worry about it if u know .. and no one knows.. I am collecting data for Akashic Realm and I give no such consent ! And all the best Pharmaceutical companies !
The j owledeg is by default available to all involved when I put this and you FBi and nurses would be responsible for such atrocities on innocent as I am both victim and detective who is solving problems and on some idiotic , should I say norm , of superiority ?, you are culprit evils with Karmically irresponsible and if u don’t believe in karma then most likely responsible for demise of all ur community and that’s why I am detach … as I am not part of your drama …
So all the best and take your accountability or I don’t know free will as everyone in the world may get affected with such neglect and I don’t wish such atrocities on single soul ..
Are I affecting with such knowledge brainwave of all American people FBI or other nations so peopel remain incoherent to simple facts with quantum tunneling AC vibrations , sound waves etc ? Or it is factual now with so many households with ac and microwaves etc .. and people just have foggy brain and compensate by acting wrong by using plastics and chemicals and excess medications etc and other countries compensate with wars etc so that some other countries may go first which are good ones like Japan etc .. it is this a spiritual phenomena and I have written it so now it won’t be possible and maybe we have country to country outline and each country is responsible for their own wellbeing .. is that fair?
And other nations said that’s fair
Good! That is justice and I am happy we all are on same page FBI … no worries we can make changes and heal and don’t hurt anyone and take that karma.
We’ll all the best all counties as u k ow who is root cause .. I will never fall into that trap of revealing g those who know they are culprits .
If some of your relatives have earnings for themselves or lifestyle choices that can put others health and wellbeing in danger ; the quantum law states that either u can like them
Or more crazier or different than yourself to compensate or be ready to either the storm of health challenges as old people won’t be able to take brunt as no one is allowed to decide others death .. as some Quantum peopel can do that with inner knowledge to avoid early dewth though u don’t know what soul’s plan is and this should be grave karmic mistake …
Same with the soul perception that some souls are old and some are new and some souls may prefer to take birth and die as old souls taking births as a remaining karmic compensations from past lives … also drug use and adminstarrtion should be careful and more natural and holistic ways should be applied as extending once life and making things pain free is good from humanitarian perspective .. however from soul perspective, soul wants to learn lesson and doses states and pain and suffering it can choose and feel better instead of subjected to rape and sex trafficking where significant karmic transfer happens and soul loss is a possibility
And that’s why avoiding war like situations and violence is paramount as no one wants to be responsible for soul loss of others and taking karmic transfers from them and possibly transferring it forwards may not be possible as I write this and make part of Akashic Records !