Personal goals
Starting to realize that resources are available and learning about my own financial Independence would be a beautiful start ( without anyone transferring any money in my account to trap me into anything or blocking or making process difficult for me to me shoveling my Independeve from abusive relationships).
As there is no stupid need for me sleeping with my soul family as that is absurd and no one is going to rape me unless arranged by some one like fbi as they know they are incharge of my safety by default as using me to transfer tips as telepathy for crimes like sex trafficking and marines as well and army and navy and Air Force just as aback up support as we don’t know where alliances are and I am good person and excellent soul standing in good tsa ing on spiritual journey with codes of diseases and by virtue repo single for Quantum MultiDisciplinary Alignment genome study and is actually not suppose to take any money for protection of clients and for bringing true codes of diseases as money can make things do things out of obligation. Yet if I have to run my own clinic then also we will see what I can do with bare minimum monetary involvement. As I know my ethics and moral responsibilities. And I am truth as I am not hiding.
Wix make sure you do not delete or update words .. and some may be typo!