Pressurized to do this and that from outsiders
Thinking coming from home
Dharma Comes first
harsh Rebuke to those entangled in love drama
If she wants to work she works
He stays home with others in-laws and sisters and their family
That is a must in this life as would have been situation in next life
Same for this one stay home and invite in laws and family, woman works
She gets good food and easy life choices
As she is a good one
Not her she gives wrong advice
Don’t know context
So delete delete
Controlling the black one as a horocrux
Culprit’s sister
Sister in law By virtue of owner blocking the system
Constipation for thousand days leads to hemorrhoid and swelling of colon
Unblock the system as 10000 is too much
No body puts baby on side
The important one
Has to live with consequences for listening to those with a threat etc
That’s the problem with positions.. quick decisions as no one knows who is working for whom
Maybe it’s a tie up of all to save themselves or from monetary profit as no one is incurable and therefore privatization exist
Exit the drama
For Beurocracy install good will by disease code quadriplegia for what?? Traitor
Traitor of younger kids
Traitor of younger kids families and parents
Traitor to humanity get out of job, stay home and experience quadriplegia
As using Earth’s resources for self or family or creative endeavors is act of evil from now on
No free will to those who knows and they must know if they have resources and understanding
And by default no one is allowed to be ignorant so start with staying on one place then paraplegia and then quadriplegia
As experience is a great teacher and now you know already why
So don’t ask questions and get going
No time for this one and therefore this one and that one
That’s it!