This is the fourth phase Shree Krishna explained in BhagvadGita !
Where you come to an understanding that there is no good bad or neutral… it is what it is.,, each one to it’s own karmic path … each one with its own karmic consequences and then you become silent observer as you know you can make a mistake and yet there comes always a solution to rise and if one becomes arrogant there is always a fall to make one rise again.
This is opposite of becoming slave or servant as everyone has equal opportunity of growth and the opportunity is decided by karmic consequences one decides to take with their own karma as soul always wants to rise as spiritual world is much beautiful than what we experience on earth yet when we overcome a challenge like this .. we truly are courageous ones and then when we return , we can take charge of wellbeing of other souls as with our own experiences we understood good, bad and even ugly who would try anything to make one servant and we see truth and we still remain calm or get angry and the choice is always ones who wants to make it with their own free will.
Yet one always rise high when one understands need of others to know the truth as it is .., speak up and then become detached again so that others atleast don’t become computer or slaves as not all souls are at the level of understanding and some souls may get zapped in the process
And that is why Goddess Lalita is unconditional one and my soul is unconditionally loving and detached as well as my soul is on a journey to become Goddess Lalita and it’s a learning process.
Internet makes one apathic towards real dangers in the world , diseases , struggles etc when one feels disturbance makes one realize how life works and atleast I felt i better share my experience and rise
While others including most gurus would choose silence and ask to recite mantra
Which would work as long as no one is using coding to shift the perspective of the whole especially when one asks only for self as in such days as Kaliyug , demon is illusion, slavery to others where we succumb to forces beyond one’s understanding.
And that is there karma
Therefore God Krishna’s Mantra is My Dharma My Responsibility
And My Mantra is Your Karma Your Responsibility and to say that with confidence I need to first make sure I follow mantra of Goddess Lalita My Karma My Opportunity for growth for ME