I feel school system needs lot of discipline in ways that kids won’t take a single wrong action that would put them in any kind of misbehavior such as name a lot of them.., as human genome is what is the focus of QMA from my soul’s perspective.. what is your perspective? Reserach is in progress.., and help should and should be provided as needed .. so really it is what it is as kids and kids teachers and parents etc and no child should left behind .. and public school should be priority or private school or both?? And discipline is discipline which leads to no abuse system as video games and others problems in school and outside school is a concern ? As I have heard about it a lot including speed limits ??? As I have filed complaints and most people did show concern when I talked to them, isn’t it? And there are always problems mentioned as drugs etc.. I am not expert in that.. as Quantum Principle is always at display when things are that complex.. name the Quantim principle??? Scientist?? Is it Quantum Holographic Property?? We in marathi call it Sheetavarun Bhatachi Pariksha… and which other principles .. as there are lot of them and sometimes things work in trained and educated environments and as it can be a magnet system .. as time is time and it can shift .. so optimism helps.. which other quantum principles in display. maybe Former Presidents can take a lead from all
Over the world? Or maybe history ?? Who is it??
Which Principle as I can name two more …