This is my self study always as minimum 10,000 data points are needed to do quantum Tunneling for physical violence of always karmic imprints .., we never Quantum Tunnel anything g that is of violence to others. As karma has become complex and souls are getting g distorted due to taking up karma of others or giving Karma to others without own knowledge or understanding this method is applied.. if proper data is not collected for my designed QMA where I am part of the system ; these laws will be final for all by default .. until better system is implemented after 1000 years. ( this is my QMA.. I am a four year old soul .. my QMA … it’s mine .. JMW has a problem??? No ? Are you all allowed your free will and he is allowed his free will ?? Yes… so you do you … so that’s what JMW didn’t teach me he is a Prince 🫅.. my parents from plant planet of existence and my mother who is very very strict taught me as she care for her constituents .. still we will vote at soul level in soul family ) ok .. always +1 ( 1000+1> ) ok ✅
All data I know is always true for me.., I never ever take others free will… it’s their Karma or karmic transfers .. it doesn’t get transferred to me as I asked for justice .. does that make sense?
I am writing laws for myself and my children : others have to stand up and take actions am all for justice .. I am a Princess … for me Truth is truth and since I am light and detached from drama as I speak Truth at soul level and at Physical level and I do it keep things secret .. this is exactly what happens by default .., any questions?
Quantum Tunneling not required .. this is laws by default for me and my kids up to age Twenty five . Violence created by Quantum Tunneling without data collection by me… Liver cirrhosis is not enough so liver cancer as not many people know .., multiple life’s no suffering .. most likely souls would not be accepted and will go in black hole . ..
we never ever Quantum Tunnel Violence though self defense is allowed by solving the mystery and then not wishing any harm or anger manifestations that are resolved by speaking truth and making it a public knowledge is Ok for me..
any questions?
Above karmic codes are for Me and my karmic kids only unless my read reach is blocked or I got killled etc then we are looking for 1000 years for all involved . So who wants to kill me and my kids? Good .. this my self defense always ..