Book about Greek Gods
Violent Games
Ting ting
Tapping parietal lob
Occipiyonparietal junction
Tick click C
Way to use young kids energy for high level arrogance
As kids become agitated when taken game away
Almost like negative feeding loop which is addictive
Side sounds as background
Listen to background sound
Increased energy around electronics
Kids have no clue
Very blank and keep watching games with no fear of consequences
Inspite scolding or putting them into timeout
Quick addiction
Who is responsible for that?
If one takes free will of others .. accountable from next lifetime
As there are only 10,000 people one may work for while there are 8 billion plus yo worry
Perspective and Respect for each profession
As kids are kids
And everything looks rose from outside
Good people taught lies
Who is responsible for that?
Ok mother
Ok sister
Whatever missy
Aunty what can I do next
No self correction ability in the place of danger
Or joy
Or just ok to be bored
Dangerous game
Stop the game
Stop the source
And rest would fall in place
Therefore silent retreat for you all
I will talk as I am no source for dangerous games
I work for humanity and I love truth
Not a right candidate
Failed 😨 🙂↔️🫣🚫
This is affecting youth and this is my Duty aka Dharma
Don’t want to hurt feelings
What do you see?
Special community member with white
Nicely wrapped papers
Decluttering projects stars from home
So it is what it is
Are you my soul family?
Heavens gate with cell phone gone
will make you work for 8 billon plus
For good deeds
How about that?
We will laugh a little ironic and I though I will have complete freedom after forty
Exit plan
Not a quitter except have a solid one as it is what it is
Moral and ethical
Top of the world
I am grateful though always grounded and I know my Dharma
No sweet talk
Very good
Good work
No difficult feelings
Princess of plant planet
Halloween and pumpkins and plants causing itching
Significant concern
Will resolve when it has to
Thank You Sir!