Twist while walking dog outdoors
Powerful puppy
Comet is not my responsibility
He can stay with karma
Dignity is asked for not given freely
Half of them are Gossiping
Half are self centered
Karma served best on cold dish and hot boiler
Never ever expect others to be like you
So our families matter most said us
We will do policy and procedures like your friends in Akashic Realm
We work hard for money and we get to enjoy it said awesome families
You cannot even fix your friends and teaching us … philosophy
Let her kids …
She is …
What kind of woman changes thinks as she doesn’t like bad words
Different kind
You will suffer karmic transfers not allowed
Some only work for some
Beggars are beggars
And I am not that
Knee pain reduced after not using shoes only if glass is not on the road
No evidence
Who would do the Reserach ?
Billion dollar funding from .., company?
And I don’t k so show that works
10,000 minimum clients with tried and tested ways and still pain
Phrase the paraphrase with autocorrecting abilities
I don’t have context of that
Ok feeling better..?
My visualization on myself .. 7 line is just the wordplay trying from the bottom page .
Bye bye
Read only for few minutes and not understood much proving i may need more time and I am not interested to read book today .
