Poor education or devalue of education is a sign of society gone towards KaliYug as people privatize everything for money and government also runs on corporates and true healing abilities of nature so intricate and beyond one’s greed is never what’s challenged.. it’s human souls especially those with awareness act with ignorance and devalue those souls with no understanding is a sign of weakness is not right word .. evil and close to living in hell and calling it conscious society and peace for everyone is a mockery of peace when no one puts efforts to actually heal those who are victims as long as their own soul does progress and then the ones on top definitely go to hell for ignoring those who needs protection as young souls and atleast those souls should give awareness and understanding and choice and ethical and moral responsibility as debility and wheelchair ridden life is for those spiritual aware who are trying to send others in hell as that is where they will go with them by default .. as one cannot ignore victims and secracy is crime .. and it is what it is ! So be prepared for official Reserach based on all clients experience or I will do karmic analysis . And I sure will go in heaven by default no matter what co ditik s I will put in .. and you would suffer as community by default in hell .. including spiritual leaders of big names from all parts of the world as u are ignoring victims .. and defense and defending victims is not a crime .. allowing physical violence and not standing up for sex trafficking and those who suffered from it is and also drugs and alcohol and gaslighting abuse allowed is karmic balance due to be paid by those who know and don’t act and try to put innocent ones in rooms and evil ones run governments and celebrity culture and then those all associated with them allowing them to thrive go to hell .. by default as that’s the karmic blueprint I have installed in all except those who are really innocent and are not paying g bodyguards and FBIs not even to tell the news or what I write as what I write is a must for them to know and for me .. ethics and morality is the o my currency and value is soul and its integrity as I don’t allow lie by saying peace and harmony and etc etc .. all enjoy relax and have fun on your own karmic balance .. as money buy nothing and neither spiritual abilities when a four year old soul of Goddess Lalita , the playful free willed Independent one is involved .. and make sure u treat my soul family with same strictness without abuse as they treat me ..
as I make sure they don’t loose themselves in petty dramas and actually work for all in soul level of perception and no free lunch for anyone , as am I eating for free? As a four year old soul? And I am Shree Vidya .. maybe strictest of all and yet unconditionally loving as I do and will always rescue innocent ones first like children in ethic sense from age zero to four years old .. so don’t pollute environment and that should be priority .. I won’t go in close room FBI .. I am a free Independent person and feel free to learn about Ayurvedic medicine as me and one of my soul family member know Ayurvedic medicine as in one lifetime he was Ayurvedic Doctor and I was his wife and learned a lot as I helped him and we healed patients.. and in other lifetime I was healer in one of the tribes and this lifetime you can check if given consent by him with … ( only with Consent ) .. as I found other piece of my lifetime and I just learned in that life and was a rest and serve lifetime for me .. it was life for him as a focus life and I didn’t do any karmic misalignments and therefore that’s all I know about me .
When it’s evil it’s called evil .. as in plant planet we always speak truth .. ☺️🌳🌎🧬🤗🌸☺️🌎🌳🇺🇸🇺🇳🇮🇳🪴🗳️🌳🌎🤗🧬🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👧🏻🤝👏👍🧬🌎🌳