My opinions:
Most of the times in my work when I used to be with clients who are going through or gone through spiritual awakening process, a pattern of cleansing of old that is not working for them was a norm . Some said they divorced toxic relationships .
As my life experience due to varied significant reasons I am documenting it on Facebook , it becomes impertinent to document following observations .
Since the begging of our marriage ; my karmic partner has been dominating and shown narcissist traits with linings of gaslighting after let’s say 5 years of our marriage … first five years ; honestly first 10 years I was his cheerleader and loved him dearly and never noticed it though there were some apparent pattern.
Later after birth of second child ; due to specific circumstances I have experienced panic and had decided about possibility of divorce though I stayed and he stayed most likely for kids. For me , trust and truth is essential and what we put forth in front of others is not essential though PDA was his liking in my opinion. I have been submissive shy though always Truthful to the best of my abilities.
Since my spiritual journey started with intensities even unknown to me after kundalini awakening ( which was also surprise as all I wanted and had mentioned multiple times to friends is to clear my karma) .. I saw my soul family in my real life and had seen intense past lives and memories stuck in my tissues irrupted like flames that I have cried for hours and liked isolation and contemplations . I always seen mostly problems though occasionally sliver linings especially my first past life I saw ( mostly hear as I don’t see things) just a glimpses of surroundings maybe not faces; and it was worth staying put and absorbing details .
Anyways; with such intensity ( without need for any physical closeness as such towards my soul family especially twin flame who is also my Guru and guardian .. a simple understanding of peace and ok feeling flows through that rest of the closeness feels foreign … and electric sparks may feel reality even with such maybe nuclear fission / fusion like intensities that sometimes I have seen even weights moving and lights flashing around or just start of recorder etc that it becomes a very spiritual and electromagnetically healing experience .
In such states having a regular family life with intimacy is difficult or next to impossible and I give credit to this understanding to my spiritual awakening and kundalini awakening .. which may not be experience of others .
Regardless, now that we are in our marriage counselling sessions with my karmic partner .. who also had his share of flings and I am not even close to jealousy as I overcame it with my 2-3 years of intense self work after 2014 .. I can easily be an Independent woman with no attachments and obligations towards him and work towards what is right and good for my kids .
This is where , interest g pattern unfolds of him calling my mother here and being extremely good and courteous with her and I love that as this has been new him though he always had amicable relationship with her and she has always all praises for him ( as they were mother and son in past lives and I know that) .. a amicable separation is at its best opprtune time as he has seen enough and I have seen enough.
In our married life, my karmic pattern used to say this often, you always put forth our kids and love them more than me and that was the truth…
Though now with my soul path of bri going karmic codes for diseases and helping humanity by giving behavioural understanding all to put our human genome as priority and my soul purpose , I ask society going towards higher conscious understanding , what is wrong with a man taking care of cooking, cleaning and more responsible take with kids which I have done for first 19 years of our marriage . And honestly constant barrage of I earn this much as I have decided to work as volunteering to the best of my abilities unless I have to have stipend or a private practice to support my expenses in the future .. posiong my kids ears and giving them falsified importance of if woman doesn’t earn ( which I have in the past as a PT ) she has no value even as a mother .. is a harsh myth to contemplate on and society who supports such agendas would be asked significant karmic lifetimes to never question a woman with true desire to uplift herself with her Dharmic responsibilities should not be restricted in such endeavors.
Also, saying bad words as OK Infront of kids and kids saying that what everyone says at school and it’s a normal thing is in my eyes a more worrisome proposition against human genome than mother involved in self study and volunteering work with immense understanding of her duties and responsibilities at planetary level of understanding.
Also, reading books that I bring and learning from it is OK done by my karmic partner as there is nothing wrong with learning unless such information is transmitted to wrong person with telepathic or energetic connection to other parties of interest automatically while person responsible for such endeavors is denying simple responsibilities due to nature of one’s possibilities at current times and other is just to scared or deprived of meaningful purpose by getting stuck in perpetual feelings that comes through one’s own past life or present life denials .
Regardless, it is happy how things are and how wonderful bondage of my mother and my karmic partner is happening though the sliding down again and again in possibilities of dominance especially being completely aware of my spiritual journey as I don’t lie .. is a tricky proposition and I am definitely opting for separation as that is wise and yet grounding and learning for me to be self reliant. And this is also not a isolation of experience as I mentioned lot of my clients and others who go through such awakenings have experienced this as matter of facts and an opportunity to dissolve as soul purpose becomes prime focus and so are one’s duties and responsibilities towards others in spiritual sense.
At the same time , I wish this wonderful bondage of my mother and her son in law which is my karmic partner is not just a show as this would be much appreciated continuum of their mother son like live for each other which he may not have experienced with his own as in my opinion gulit and shame and blame may have been at play at multiple occasions though mothers love is mothers love and I won’t devalue that …
Still a friendship maybe an optimistic possibility after completion of official separation. And living arrangements can be discussed to see what is much suited for kids and their needs . As I wish a beautiful journey ahead for him as well as I mentioned to him on multiple occasions that now he can officially date and explore whoever he rhymes with and he gets that freedom and I wish he will look at the character of the person while choosing her as his partner just to make sure kids wellbeing will be prioritized and also this only if he is interested. As I love a modern family that is amicable and vulnerable to incomings of challenges and difficulties and as long as society doesn’t put its evil intents or gossiped rumors into mix .. my kids would be just fine .
Also, it would be wonderful exercise for society to focus on themselves only if they wish as I can read your stories in Akashic realm full of judgements and then ask you and your soul would be much excused to know which difficulties to assume in next lifetimes for all the judgements and not giving enough space .. as now I ask u reader , how is your marriage and if you are really together is it fulfilling and why ? And will you be able to work for humanity especially if it’s fulfilling instead of engross urself in others businesses as time is running out and have you picked up plastic in due surroundings and don’t recycle it .. don’t buy it and market against it completely as microplastic and nanoplastic are not just environmental hazards.. lot can go wrong just by looking at its structural compositions and why is not that your focus? If nothing else, plant trees and gardens and don’t do charities of cookies with plastic wrappings as that is hurting planet more.. have some let’s say “ shame “ and look inward as you are taking resources of host planet … so stop it! As it is evil to use my plants for your self improvement games what a shame .. did I shame you enough psychologist as all of u do is to conduct your sessions underneath the tree you won’t take 100 sessions and your clients would heal quickly only if they actually be and work in nature and do some social work .. and I give this a free unsolicited advice as I am not a lawyer who would charge you millions of dollars to solve simple mental health problems .. and do you know most clients are soul family members getting activated without understanding and connected telepathically yo other soul family members that you may confuse as a voices they hear or hallucinations .. so stop taking money all the time and look for profit margins all the time especially if u r mental health providers .. ask you clients to plant trees and do
Meditations etc . And all planet is beautiful and peaceful to all and we wish everyone well etc etc while not polluting physically your host planet .. do I make it clear ?
Did I triggered you by truth .., I don’t have any mental problem.. I just don’t sugarcoat and say wrong things .. start speaking up truth otherwise thyroid problems .. and headaches and so much karmic baggage to you as professionals .. it’s karma .. if you are setting g up your business to earn money and charging in advance there is something wrong with your intent .. as human psyche is not for sale …
As love is always unconditional.. truth is difficult to find and say and once you find that freedom your soul would be free
So stop passing judgements on my mental health and start actually teaching your clients to work in nature and do some real work of healing that comes through actually helping others and staying with the process as long as it’s not karmic transfer !