Men are responsible for such keys

Men are responsible for such keys … and I think they know who they are as they must have experienced what I have as a state of disease… or maybe someone else needs to have courage to ask right person ??? Or maybe not??? Not sure… men are responsible ones or females if no man come forward … my Dignity and My soul Integrity is most essential to me.. therefore I have to give key to the one that I think is responsible…
Women do not get these disease.. rest if up to those whose Dharma Dictates right and wrong and justice for ALL.
I am not sure.. and 10 or 15 incarnated souls with experience of disease state or they may experience them .. I am not sure… key maybe with anyone I am not sure understanding is there or not.., but not my Dharma Not My responsibility!
I am not sure.. and 10 or 15 incarnated souls with experience of disease state or they may experience them .. I am not sure… key maybe with anyone I am not sure understanding is there or not.., but not my Dharma Not My responsibility! Wuantim Mukti Dimensional Alignment is responsibility of Men .
