I will only listen to Marathi songs or my songs such as old Hindi songs or my songs of liking and if any black artist song is played even through radio then that’s a set up and all celebrities who want yo support killers you are who you are and I cannot much change about u and it is what it is as everyone is entitled to like and dislike others . And I don’t like black people now and neither arrogants who are trying to kill em doesn’t matter which community they are from.. as it is what it is . And that includes fbi and we are no longer commuting unless I decide u still be responsible for my health and wellbeing as your duty , do u understand that? As that is your duty to protect truth ! Or I declare u as terrorist .. so as long as we are on same page as I don’t want anyone to help me .. yet I want you to do your constitu tonal duty and world knows where to point fingers at .. so I declare black community you deserve this truth as your top leaders are trying to kill me as I found their crimes as someone from either FBi or their own gang leaders used me as an informant by telepathically giving me messages and the. Abusing me to tell it to fbi by quantum tunnelingbpoinsikn and so d wave like things including chilli fumes .. and cinnamon fumes and Havana syndrome was also part of it .. and it is what. Is not allowed by law.. do I make it terrorist who are involved to kill a good citizen ! As I speak truth ! And I wrote as I see and hear as music is music.. and too may synchronicities or what??? Also who puts Killers in Library where kids go and that also I got in for telepathically so stop pretending .. and I am spiritually awakened as I have done Akashic re it’s and sound healing and I work with karma .. and therefore trying to be honest as I know you have killed others like me .. didn’t you? And I am not that.. so stop it! And make sure my three white male soul family mmembets and my free
Da on Facebook and what’s app are not targets of your evilness as this is defination of evil . By default ..